December, 2016.
Amrit Dhara Ayurveda
a west coast offering of truth and healing, based in the ancient teachings of yoga and ayurveda
There are no menu items in this menu.
~ by donation at the door.
~ no previous experience necessary.
~ only requirement is a desire to open your heart.
Suggested donation $10.
For more info or to register please contact Savita at
at 250-537-1630 or
Suggested Offering – $50-80, but everyone is welcome regardless of their ability to offer a donation. Please don’t let this prevent your attendance.
Sat. April 16, 2016. 10 a.m.-5 p.m.
Many of us feel the presence of writing within but we can’t seem to find out way to it. Perhaps we long to write about a pivotal experience but it may seem inaccessible to us, or we may sense some writing in the depths but not know what it is or how to bring it to light. This retreat will offer an opportunity to relax down to our deep creative roots and unearth the buried feelings, images, and memories waiting to reach the page. We’ll start with meditative practices to settle into a receptive place, then open to a flow of writing. More directed writing practices will follow, as well as periods of listening to hear what rings true and what needs clarifying. Our circle of women will offer a safe and supportive container for deep and true writing aided by the potent energies of spring in a beautiful environment.
Date: Saturday, April 16, 10 a.m.-5p.m.
Cost: $99 with registration and payment by April 6; $109 after April 6 (includes a vegetarian lunch)
Place: Ramspring Wellness, 443 Upper Ganges Rd., Salt Spring Island
Lorraine Gane is a poet, writer, teacher, and editor. She is the author of Even the Slightest Touch Thunders on MySkin (Black Moss Press, 2002), The Blue Halo (Leaf Press, 2014), and The Way the Light Enters (Black Moss Press, 2014). Lorraine is working on a new collection of poems, as well as completing a book on writing. She mentors writers through workshops, online courses, coaching, and manuscript editing.